Warning for high school students!

High school student: don't pass your high school diploma!
Student: don't pass your exams!
At the time of the Yellow Vests there are much more important things to do and it is worth giving up your school or university studies: as for the movie “L'An01”, we take a break, take a step aside, we reflect and it's not sad!
Warning for high school students
Do not wait until you are under contract to refuse to be employed in your confinement!
We, who are the generation before you, would like to warn you of what we have taken a long time to realize: almost nothing that really matters — BECAUSE DETERMINING WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR LIVES — is no longer decided by humans, let alone subject to their suffrage. What was called “citizen” (an individual who takes part in the orientations of the City) has ceased to exist.
The dispossession of beings over the organization of their lives is so profound that already there are almost no stories left but the unfolding of the thread of an automatic process. Almost everything that is essential is confiscated by the ruling powers. The use of land to build a habitable place and grow what we want there is more and more problematic; water, seeds, energy are captured by a handful of multinational institutions and then distributed to those who can afford them; living mechanisms become the property of industrialists who denature them to make standard and marketable products. The man in his body and his spirit is each day more shaped and controlled by mechanical devices.
Like your parents, you will be offered to prosper by producing the degradation of what is still living and by pushing even further the division of labor which, at the same time as it makes the meaning of what we manufacture disappear, distances individual life from any possibility of autonomy.
The social order will first suggest that you maintain a workstation in its organization. You are in school to prepare for this role and to accept its requirements. It is difficult to say what exactly this will consist of because it will primarily be a question of making certain techniques and tools under development work. Techniques and tools that no one fully knows or really wanted, but whose purpose is to increase the control of ruling social institutions over the world and its resources. Very few activities will escape this fate, and in any case not those that nourish us (food, education, information) or are supposed to participate in our well-being (health, the search for knowledge).
YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO COLLABORATE SUBMISSIVELY IN WHAT IS HAPPENING. All your intelligence and your knowledge of modern techniques will allow the progress of rationalizing the social organization of the disaster. The brightest and most zealous will take their place among those who are called “leaders” because they are responsible for ratifying, in the positions they hold in the upper administration of the system, the decisions that the current order requires.
You already know it, we've told you enough, IN MODERN SOCIETY A WORKSTATION IS THE MOST VALUABLE THING BECAUSE ON THE ONE HAND THERE WILL NOT BE ONE FOR EVERYONE, BUT ABOVE ALL, IN EXCHANGE FOR THE PART OF THE DISASTER YOU WILL BE USED TO PRODUCE, YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO THE ULTIMATE PRIVILEGE OFFERED TO HUMANS: TO HAVE A LINE OF CREDIT TO CONSUME WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS ALL THAT IS LEFT TO CONSUME. To do this, you will therefore have to tighten a little more the control that is exerted over everything that lives and which leads to the eradication of the diversity of living beings and its replacement by artificial, automatic and standardized life.
Dominant science has the merit of informing us of the disaster it is causing: biosphere specialists tell us that at the current rate of degradation of biodiversity, by the middle of the century, the continuation of industrial activities will have caused the disappearance of half of living species.
I must tell you that despite the efforts made by humans to criticize the technomarchandalization of the world, nothing so far has slowed this process. If the evidence of the unreason of our world in no way weakens its functioning, it is because humans have been convinced that they could not be the actors in their future. WE LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE DISSATISFACTION IS ALMOST UNANIMOUS BUT IN WHICH VERY FEW THINK OF QUESTIONING THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE LOGIC OF THE SOCIAL SYSTEM.
The means to evade social control are being exhausted as surveillance devices multiply to protect the privatization of the world. Borders only let the servants of the system filter through, access to the various strategic networks is constantly controlled, the registration of human and animal livestock is a condition of existence, biocontrol will soon take care of us from birth to death.
As a result, it is becoming more and more uncertain whether you will be able to resist this confinement; once you sign your letter of commitment to modern society, you will have less time to think and act. We would like to suggest that you use your free time to first feel and think for yourself, to research and debate, and to determine in advance what type of existence you think is worth living. And then to prepare yourself for the efforts required to make it happen. No need to wait for your voter card to say NO TO THE PREDICTABLE MISERY OF LIVES TO COME.
If historical experience can still exist, it must first reveal to what extent a new generation could mobilize beyond all separations, reconcile the different forms of intelligence that have emerged here and there, and free the living from its present confinement.
Text written in addition to the film by Jean DRUON (95 min, 2005): ALERT TO BABYLON =16 testimonies on the absolute and definitive horror of our world enslaved by technological proliferation. (extract to be seen below)
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